Obion County Board of Education
December 1, 2008

Agenda Item: VIII.A.

Consider/Approve Block Scheduling for Obion County Central and South Fulton High Schools

Background Information:

For the past several months, our high school principals have been meeting with our instructional/vocational supervisors and teachers discussing the pros and cons of block scheduling. With the Board’s support, beginning with the 2009 – 2010 school year, we would like to change from the traditional academic calendar (7-period days) to the 4 x 4 block academic calendar, with modifications based on individual school needs.

The decision to change to block scheduling has not been an easy decision, therefore, Mr. Adam Stephens and Ms. Linda Short, as well as our instructional supervisors, will be present to answer any questions. The pros and cons of block scheduling are numerous and the Internet is full of studies concerning the subject. Studies show that block scheduling does not help schools academically; however, studies also show that block scheduling does not hurt schools academically either. Block scheduling will create the opportunity for students to take four (4) additional classes over the course of their high school studies.

Many factors have influenced our recommendation for block scheduling, including, but not limited to, the changes in career technical education curriculum (which was the catalyst influencing our decision to move the career technical education facilities to the high school campuses), the enhanced requirements for four (4) years of math and science, and the continued desire to allow athletic practice during the school day.

There are several Board polices which will have to be amended, such as, but not limited to, the number of credits to graduate, minimum subjects students will be allowed to enroll, etc.; however, at this time, we are simply asking the Board for support and approval to implement block scheduling at Obion County Central and South Fulton High Schools beginning with the 2009 – 2010 school year. Policies affected by this change to block scheduling will be presented to the Board in plenty of time for two readings.

Staff Recommendation:

Upon the recommendation of our instructional/vocational supervisors and high school principals, I recommend the adoption of block scheduling beginning with the 2009 – 2010 academic year.